How To Twitter And Get Twitter Followers

“Now you can learn the exact steps to using Twitter to double the leads for your business and build leadership for your personal brand.”

Download the free teleseminar and sample chapter. Here’s just some of the keys you’ll learn in this free how to Twitter training:

  • Why Twitter is sweeping the internet by storm what it can be used for.
  • Even if  you NEVER send one Twitter post (called a Tweet) or set up an account – you can still massively benefit from using Twitter. We’ll show you how.
  • 3 big mistakes you are probably going to make and how to correct course BEFORE you blow your chances with potential prospects.
  • One simple strategy that will increase the quality of the prospects that find you through Twitter. (This strategy is so simple you will probably smack yourself on the head for not using it already).
  • We will give you specific action steps to take right after the call.
  • Plus: answers to all your specific questions. (Feel free to ask some questions below).

This teleseminar is direct material taken from the new book “21 Days To Twitter Leadership”

“A Step-By-Step Guide To Show You How To Use Twitter To Position Yourself As A Leader In Your Industry In Less Than 10 Minutes Per Day – Even If You Know Nothing About Computers.”

My name is Joel Mark Witt and I’m the publisher of Folk Media. Folk Media helps you get more clients and leads for your business using social media tools like Twitter.

On this teleseminar, you’ll be learning the same step-by-step Twitter strategies we share with our private clients and that we’ve used to grow our own businesses.

When you the teleseminar have a notebook ready and prepare to take detailed step-by-step instructions of exactly how to use Twitter to grow your business.

While so called “social media gurus” tell you to “get out there – listen – and join the conversations” – they don’t share a overall strategy with you to make that a reality. You get this vague idea about using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs – but nothing concrete on HOW to do it.

It’s nice rhetoric – but you need a solid step-by-step plan. The strategies and techniques we teach our clients, used strategically, can create surges of sales leads, attract new clients and ultimately create a steady stream of potential customers for your business.

What we’re going to focus on is a step-by-step Twitter strategy that you can implement right away.

We’ll talk about the power of Twitter, how to use Twitter for maximum impact without draining all your time, and literally HAND you a action steps for fast “guerrilla-style” Twitter marketing. You’ll be able to start doing this right away!

Or if you’re ready – Get the complete book

Note: This site is NOT affiliated with Twitter. This is an independent site

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